I am a Year 3 student at Pt England School, Auckland, NZ. My teachers are Miss Scanlan, Ms Tumahai, Miss Szymanik and Mrs Carruthers.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Friday, 22 May 2020
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Rata me te rakau rata and the tree
P.19) What did Rātā fe
Rātā feared his village
would be destroyed when the gods of the wind and sea would have a battle.
P. 20) Why were Wētā and Kārearea horrified?
Weta and karearea were horrified because rata didn’t say thank you say or a Karakia.
P. 21) How does the author describe the way in which the tree fell?
The tree fell with a thunderous crash
P. 22) How did Rātā know it had not all been a dream?
Rata had not being dreaming because he wouldn’t have blisters if he wasn’t chopping.
P. 24) Why was Rātā embarrassed?
He was embarrassed because he didn’t say thank you or say a prayer.
P. 25) Why did the animals decide to help Rātā by making the waka for
The animals decided to help Rata because he asked them to forgive him
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
The Rahul
What was Huia saving the strawberries for?
For her mum for strawberry ice cream on her birthday
Why did Huia need a rahui in the strawberries?
So her brother and the bird and the rat would stop eating strawberries
What happened to the leftover strawberries?
Huia saved it for the rat and the bird because they stopped eating the strawberries
Read this slide carefully. It will help you to do the work on slide 2.
Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings.
For example their there and they’re
All these words SOUND the same, but they are spelt differently and used in different ways.
For example;
- They put on their shoes.
- Look! Over there! I see a scary dog.
- They’re not feeling well.
They’re is also a CONTRACTION
They + are becomes they’re
Choose “they’re”, “there” or “their” to complete each sentence. Write the WHOLE sentence correctly in your book.
They’re going on holiday tomorrow.
Mum parked the car over there. .
Cayden and Aliana did well in their tests.
There are 87 students in our class.
Mum and Dad snore when they asleep.
The happy girls had smiles on their faces.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
The dancing bunny and the cat
The bunny pushed play and started to dance on the mat. The cat was running in a circle chasing the
bunny. Finally the bunny escaped from the cat the cat's owner picked it up.